Hacking WhatsApp With MAC ADDRESS || Easy Method

 Disclaimer : This tutorial is only for Educational Purposes.

🤴Hacking WhatsApp With MAC ADDRESS 


•Phone Rooted

•Target's Phone for 5 minutes

• Busybox and Terminal App installed on your android device

•Wifi Scanner


👉🏻Uninstall WhatsApp from your phone or device. You'll install it again at the end of the method, but you'll need to configure it differently, and the easiest way to make sure you'll be able to do that correctly is to completely uninstall it now.

👉🏻Obtain your target's phone. You'll need it for two different steps throughout the process, but this shouldn't take too long - you should be able to return it before your target starts to miss it. 

👉🏻Find your target's phone's Media Access Control (MAC) address. A MAC address is a unique identifier assigned to your phone or other device that essentially serves as its online identity. Find and write down your target's MAC address. It takes the form of six pairs of letters or numbers, separated by colons (01:23:45:67:89:ab).

👉🏻Find your MAC address . Make sure to save it somewhere secure, as you'll want to change your device back to that address once you're done.

👉🏻Change ("spoof") your phone's MAC address to that of your target. This will allow your phone to pass as your target's, letting you convince WhatsApp that you are your target when you log in.

👉🏻Install and configure WhatsApp on your phone. Enter your target's phone number to set up WhatsApp rather than your own. This will allow you to receive their messages and send messages from their account.

👉🏻et the confirmation code from your target's phone. This code will be sent to their phone number as part of the WhatsApp configuration process. Access their phone one last time to get that verification code. Enter it into WhatsApp on your phone when prompted, and you're all ready to go.'

👉🏻When you no longer need to access your target's WhatsApp account, change your MAC address back to what it was. Repeat the instructions to change it, but this time change it to your original address rather than your target's. This will restore your phone to how it was originally, which will ensure that there are no future problems with Internet usage or connectivity.

🔥Now You Have Successfully Hacked A Device!

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